Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Superstar Children!

Well we've been busy in our house the last few days. For one, Brayden is potty training! He's doing pretty well considering it's only day 3. We've had a few accidents today, but for the most part he's getting the hang of it. I followed "Potty training in less than a day" book, which is very old, but has good tips. It worked though. I was drained by the second hour, but luckily Travis was home to take over. I'm very proud of Brayden and know that when he really gets the hang of it, it will be so much easier to only have one child in diapers instead of two. I personal have been able to work on the virtue of patience a lot the last 3 days:)

Peyton had to keep up with her brother too and decided this week she would roll over for the first time. That's pretty good considering she barely gets any tummy time because of her acid reflux. On another note, we finally got her eczema under control and without putting mommy on a special crazy diet. Yeah!!!


Anonymous said...

I'm glad that it's going so well. Mak is 3 and still having problems. I think maybe I'll look into this book. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah...way to go Peyton!!!

Desiree said...

Haha - I love the pic of Brayden sitting on the toilet! :) Jimmy says that Brayden's gonna hate you for that picture in about 15 years! :)

I miss the munchkins a lot! Give them big kisses from Titi!

Jeremy and Laura Lebow said...

So fun about the rolling over! Yeah, Clara has decided that she wants to roll over to her tummy, but she still can't remember that she, at one time, could roll from that to her back, and so she gets stuck on her tummy and whines about it. Such a fun stage! :) I love Braydon and his attention span!