Monday, June 9, 2008

Fun Pics

Just wanted to share some pictures...
Peyton ready for church
Mommy and Peyton
Daddy and Peyton
Brayden and Peyton
Thanks to our friend Shari, we know about all the cool stuff to do in Pierce County for family fun. Travis and Brayden went to the fishing derby at Bradley Lake Park this last Saturday morning. They woke up early, stopped for donuts and milk, and caught 3 fish. Brayden actually reeled the fish in each time and even put the worms on the hook. He was so excited when he got home to show me his fish:) Travis ate them for dinner last night and Brayden actually had a few bites.


Tiffany Nevil said...

What would we do without our dear Shari?

Love ya! CUTE pics girl,

The Benedicts said...

Those pictures are SO cute! I am so glad that we get to see how big they're getting. Peyton is getting so big and smiley, we can't wait to see her and her big brother too!