Saturday, June 14, 2008

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to the men in our lives! I was lucky enough to grow up with a dad who loves the Lord and second his family. My dad was there for almost every game, concert, ceremony, track meet, and then of course to scare my boyfriends away. He encouraged us, prayed for us and sacrificed a lot. I always hoped and prayed that I would marry someone like my dad and I did. Travis is not only an amazing husband, but an awesome dad!!! I always get so frustrated when I hear people talk about dads being "hands off." I don't understand it. Travis has been hands on since Brayden was born and hasn't stopped. The kids love daddy and can't wait to spend time with him everyday, and vice-versa for Travis. Travis always says that he got his example of how to be a dad from God. There is no other explanation. I think that is the way God intended it. This is an excerpt from the father's day card I bought my dad, I hope it's something my children will say to Travis someday: "They say we call come into this world with nothing... but I had a remarkable father who put food on the table and a roof over my head. He prayed for me, praised and encouraged me, sacrificed his needs for mine, showed me love, acceptance, and self-worth... So really, I came into this world with everything. Your love gave me my first glimpses of God. " How cool! So, Happy Father's Day Travis, I think you are awesome!!


T~ said...

Thanks Babe! I love you too!

Anonymous said...

Praise God for men exampled after the Ultimate Father. Happy Father's Day Travis. God gave us some great husbands, Crystal.

Kim W. said...

Knowing your family for what...20+ yeras now...I couldn't agree more. You have a WONDERFUL dad, and I have thought that more than once, that you married someone just like your dad! Truly a blessing. Love you. Hope to see you when we come up there in a few weeks!