Sunday, July 6, 2008

4th of July at the Cabin

Peyton's first 4th of July
My Martha Stewart mommy with her fruit tart, so good!
Peyton hanging out with her cute cousin Roman

We spent the last weekend at our cabin on Anderson Island. Good times with the family, and a fun 4th of July. I love going out there for the fact that we don't have any agenda. It's just do whatever we want when we want. Due to the weather, we didn't get any time to swim or even take a walk, so we did a lot of reading (no complaints), and relaxing. My sister did a garage sale/inventory sale for her business-
Posh Posada which has some great home decor items (check it out at I enjoyed watching the fireworks from the ferry terminal out there. We can watch the firework show on the island, and all the ones across the water too! We love the cabin and are so grateful that we have somewhere free we can go for mini family vacations. Till next time...

On another note, we've tried some solid food with Peyton. She doesn't really seem to care for the rice cereal or sweet potatoes, but we'll keep trying. With every bite she is making yucky faces and just squirms in her seat:)


Jeremy and Laura Lebow said...

We're right there with you on the cereal . . . doesn't do much for Clara. But she's ok with the sweet potatoes, although she doesn't eat very much. We just tried squash yesterday, too.

Lisa said...

Looks like you had such a fun time at the cabin! It brought back memories of going there with you, Dawn, Brittany, and Sandra. And almost driving off the end of the ferry. I still am convinced that wasn't my fault...

Kim said...

Hey! Good to catch up with you via the WWW! :) Wish I could have seen you while we were there, but I did get to see your mom and dad and Selina and the 2 Pedro's! I just love your family...they really are the best ever! I laughed when you said your Martha Stewart mom! :) She (your mom) is a good one, that's for sure! Hope yall are great. Have a blessed week!