Thursday, August 28, 2008

Just call me Martha Stewart:)

Raspberry jam all lined up in the freezer
I've been saying I want to make home made raspberry jam for years now and I just get to busy and and forget during raspberry season. This year was finally the year! I went to Picha Farms and bought a flat of raspberries. I was able to make 11 jars of jam, and 2 yummy raspberry cobblers with all those raspberries. I was surprised how much jam I was able to make with so little berries. It's yummy and a special treat to have especially when I make home made bread. I highly recommend trying to make freezer jam. It's easy and cheap and so good!
Then I got a little bolder. I made some baby food last night. I've had friends tell me that I'm crazy to buy my baby food and that we could save so much money making our own, but I've never really listened. It sounded like too much work. But, Travis had so many extra green beans from our garden that I decided to give it a try. I made 6 small jars of baby food with a lot of green beans so in the long run I don't think that would be the cheaper way to go. I've heard that some veggies and fruits make more than others. Anyone have any good tips for making home made baby food? Which ones seem worth the money and work to make? The good part is Peyton ate the food and really liked it. The first few bites she made some yucky faces, and then she devoured it. I would love to hear from any mommies on this subject:)
Home made green beans, pretty color!
Happy baby after eating green beans:)


Mashel said...

I have made a ton of baby food for the twins, since with two, you need so much more food, and with having to add it to all of Ty's bottles, we needed a lot. Butternut Squash makes quite a bit of baby food, and so does sweet potatos. You just have to bake them and then mush them up. I also went to Cosco and got the HUGE cans of green beans, peaches, pears, carrots and peas. They were only like $3-$4 and made a ton of food. It worked well.

The Benedicts said...

What a big smile! I made all of Noah's (with some help from my Mom!) I went to Trader Joe's and bought a lot of the frozen organic veggies and fruit there. I also would just watch sales at the store and make what was cheap...oh and the big bag of mini carrots at Costco. It is time consuming, so I would usually take part of a day every month and do it. I froze it, canning is way out of my league. I have all of our little canning jars if you want to borrow them, we won't be needing them for a while!

Jeremy and Laura Lebow said...

Hm . . . sounds interesting. I've thought about doing that, too, but just can't get myself to want to take the time. Mashel, how do you have time for that? I feel like I'm pretty lucky if I have 1/2 hour to myself right now.

Julie said...

You find a ton of info by googling homemade baby food. You can also check out the book Super Baby Food, it is the best I've found. I used to put small portions into muffin tins and freeze it into "hockey pucks". Then store them in freezer bags.

Leif and Lisa said...

Of course I haven't tried it yet, but we have a great book about making baby food... "Top 100 Baby Purees." From what other moms have told me, the most efficient thing is to devote an hour or so each week making a big batch of one type of food and freezing it. After a few weeks, you'll have a variety of homemade foods to serve without having invested a great amount of time. Sure seems like a great way to save a lot of money!

Tiffany Nevil said...

I'm so proud of you Martha! Sssshhhh...the rasberry jam was FABULOUS.. and we already ate ALL of it. I'm inspired to follow suite...but I'll probably cheat and try it with frozen berries. I can do that right?

On the baby food, well, we talked. And everyone here had some great points. It doesn't take as much time as you think it will and like someone else said, do it once a week and make a whole bunch and in a few weeks you'll have quite a selection!

Way to go Martha! Can't wait to see what's next....

Unknown said...

I have started making Macy's food too. It's super easy. Start with something like frozen peas. Grab a 1 lb. bag (which is like $2) and then steam them. Use the water to diute it and run it through your blender. Freeze it in ice cube trays and then you have your little servings. I think with a 1 lb. bag, I got about 30 servings. Since each jar is almost a dollar, that's a pretty big difference and it was actually kind of fun! When you want to use one, drop a cube in the fridge the night before and it's good for the whole next day.