Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Tree hunting

Ok, so maybe Peyton didn't "love" seeing Santa. Had to get the picture anyways:)

Ok so this is late, but better late then never!:) On Thanksgiving weekend we went out to find the perfect tree. Every year we say we are going to get a fake tree but we can't seem to give up one of our favorite traditions- Tree hunting. This year we met a few friends at Hunter's Tree Farm and found the perfect tree. The kids loved riding on the tractor, looking at the animals, saying hi to Santa Clause, and eating the treats.
We also had a blast decorating the tree together this year. Brayden was actually able to help out a lot and even Peyton tried to help. (She only broke 2 ornaments:). Great start to Christmas traditions at the Metcalfe's house!


Lisa said...

the picture of Peyton with Santa is absolutely priceless... I'm glad you had a Merry Christmas!

Tiffany Nevil said...

I love the picture of santa and Peyton! HAH HA HA HA HA HAH! Oh and you could always go buy a fake tree and still GO to the Christmas hunting day like us. :)

Kim said...

Your kiddos are so cute. And I can not believe how much Peyton looks JUST like you!!!

The Johnsons said...

Yeah Tree Hunting!!! You and your cutie family!