Tuesday, April 22, 2008

An Accomplishment!

So, Peyton slept the whole night in her bed last night! If you know all the little things about our family, you know this is a big deal. She has been sleeping through the night since she was 6 weeks old, however, she always wakes up around 5am and wants out of her bed. She doesn't care where she is moved to sleep, as long as it's not her bed. Because of her acid reflux, she sleeps propped up on her wedge in a straight jacket (no really). I think she just gets sick of being in there. So, me being the smart mommy that I am, repositioned her this morning at 5am and she finished off the night in her crib. Yeah! Hey, you have to celebrate the little things in life sometimes:) We are all getting used to her constant spitting up and so are our clothes and the furniture. It's gotten a lot better than it used to be, so we'll celebrate that too!


Kim W. said...

That IS a great accomplishment! I completely understand...and am right there with ya! I do the same to Jack, about 5am as well! I cracked up reading that b/c that is so our nightly routine, too. Anyhow, she sure is precious, Crystal, as if yall don't already know that, but anyhow. Hope yall are great! Can't wait to see more pictures of your two little angels soon. Love ya!

Sibs said...

that's great crystal. Macy slept almost 8 hours two nights ago and slept about 7 hours last night. She'll be seven weeks this Friday. I'm hoping that this is the norm but I guess we'll see. She gets up anytime between 5 and 6:30. We're on a pretty normal routine with her and it seems to be working. Bummer that we couldn't hang out this week but we'll definitely have to hang out with you guys next time. Hooray for babies sleeping through the night!

Anonymous said...

That is so great! Way to go Peyton! And way to go mommy!