Monday, April 14, 2008

Weekend at the Cabin

So most people know that my family owns a cabin on Anderson Island. This weekend we went to our cabin with our friends the Nevils. We had so much fun! The weather was actually beautiful on Saturday and we enjoyed the sun at the beach. Brayden spent an hour just throwing rocks into the water. Travis and Jeremy caught a huge clam which was crazy! We also roasted smores by the fire and just relaxed. I personally didn't want to come back to reality, but it's nice to know the cabin is there for the next adventure.


Tiffany Nevil said...

WOO-HOO! Cabin adventures ROCK! I am officially cool now that I was the first to comment on your new blog. YAY METCALFES!

Andy or Bethesda said...

Hey there Metcalfes! It is good to be able to catch up, even if it IS via the bloggin' world! :-) Thanks for sending us the link...we miss you guys.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun. I think Brayden should get together with my kids because they could spend all day throwing rocks into the water. Funny!

The Johnsons said...

Yeah Crystal! Thanks for sharing your life with us, and pics of your cutie kids!

Kim W. said...

Hey Crystal, I sent you an email to your email account, so check that out, but for instance, on this post, you can go in and EDIT the post, and you will see the blank lines between the pictures, and in each space, you can put the cursor and start typing. Just read my email and I think it will make sense. And play around with your post, and save it, and then view it, and go back and edit it again and then save it, view it, etc. You will get the hang of it that way I think. Anyhow, like I said, I am so glad you are blogging! :)