Sunday, February 22, 2009

Saying "Yes" to God...

Yesterday I had the privilege of going to women's conference with some of my Renovo friends. It was held at my old church in Seattle, Northwest Church of Christ. Honestly, I wasn't that excited to go. I was excited to hang out with the girls and get to know them better, but I usually don't enjoy women's conferences that much. I'll tell you why... I have a very short attention span and it takes a REALLY good speaker to keep my attention for more than 10 minutes. I'm not sure why I'm that way, but I am. Not once on Saturday did I look at my watch while the speaker was talking. Actually, every time she was done with a session I was amazed at how much time had passed and was sad because I wanted to hear her speak more. Her name is Lysa TerKeust. Amazing woman of God. She is a nationally known speaker who I was meant to hear on Saturday. God put me in that place because He knew that's exactly where I needed to be.
Lysa just stood up there and shared her story. That was it, yet it was profound. I actually saw Lysa a few years ago on the Oprah show. They did a story about her community. Lysa had gone to see a Liberian boys choir sing at a nearby church with her 3 little girls. During the concert she heard God speaking to her "Two of those boys are yours." Her response was, "Yeah right, I don't think so." To make a beautiful long story short, she did adopt 2 of those boys and her friends adopted the rest of the choir and so far 45 children have been adopted from the same orphanage in Liberia. It's amazing because obviously these children are black and have been adopted into white families, it didn't matter. I encourage you to go watch the segment of the Oprah show on her website
One of the things she said has me really thinking. She said that she could have told God "no" that day he talked to her about her boys. She could have told him no and no one but her and God would have ever known. However, she would have missed out on the tremendous blessings God had planned for her. Instead, she said "Yes!" Is there somewhere in your life where you need to say "Yes" to God?


Mashel said...

I am so bummed that I missed her Cystal!She really is an amazing speaker!I took her class at the MOPS convention that was 2 years ago in Orlando. Her class that she was giving was "Born from my heart" a class on adoption, and that is what she focased on. Her story is truly amazing. Without even knowing that I saw her speak and actually talked with her personally, my sister in law bought me the book "When woman say yes to God" I hadn't even put two and two together, (I forgot her name) and I began reading her book. Then I was listening to SPIRIT and Dr. Dobson's show, and she was on there! It was like she was speaking directly to me, because she put her adoption story and her book together and I had that "ah ha" moment! I didn't even realize I was reading a book of someone I had met in real life!She is a true inspriation. So....Is God calling you to adopt? Do foster care maybe?:) Lol. I wish I could have seen her speak again.

Mashel said...

I totally just spelled your name wrong. Sorry, I really do know how to spell it. Oops Sorry Crystal!

The Benedicts said...

I was reading your blog and I thought her story sounded familiar, I saw that Oprah. I didn't realize she had a book, I'll have to get it, what a cool story. It sounds like it was a great conference!

Holcombe Family said...

I'm so glad you got to see Lysa, Crystal. I really like her story too and even have her P31 blog link on my blogroll. You should visit it if you haven't already. If you sign up for the P31 devotionals, they randomly come from Lysa and they are always very uplifting.

Jessy said...

I remember seeing that episode of Oprah. It was so incredible to see all these boys that found loving homes so far from where they started! She is an amazing woman!