Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Loving the Sun

Brayden playing soccer after our picnic

Peyton really wanting to play too
The view from our blanket
In the middle our our walk.
Last weekend Travis had a 4-day weekend and went camping for a few days with Brayden (more to come on that on another post). So on Monday we decided to go for walk at Chambers Bay Golf Course. What a beautiful day for it! Travis had never been and really enjoyed the view- both of the water and the golf course. The walk is 3+ miles and it VERY hard because of the huge hills. I'm talking big hills that are almost scary to walk up and down because they are so steep. But, we figured what a great workout. Peyton was in the backpack and I pushed Brayden in the stroller ( I made him get out and walk the hills:) Then at the bottom there is a huge park that looks over the water. It's gorgeous! We had a nice picnic lunch, played soccer, and just enjoyed in the sun. It was one of those times with my family that I wished the day could have lasted forever. I highly encourage you to go check out Chambers Bay if you haven't. It's beautiful!

1 comment:

The Johnsons said...

Wow, that looks completely different than the last time we've been there, we'll have to go back.