Monday, June 30, 2008

Cleaning heaven:)

Ok fellow clean freaks, I found the best cleaning product ever! It's call the Earthstone. It's a bathroom cleaner that looks like a pumice stone and it takes away any hard water stains, mildew, and soap scum. Since we moved into this house 2 years ago, I've had hard water stains in my sinks and toilets and I've tried everything to get them off. It always looked like they were dirty no matter how much I cleaned them. I used the Earthstone and instantly they were gone!! Everything looks so much cleaner now, no rings around the toilets or drains in the sinks. So excited! I bought it at Walmart for only $3.99. Thanks Shari for introducing this product to me. I'm in love:)

P.S. They have a kitchen one too!


Jeremy and Laura Lebow said...

That sounds super! Now, if I only had the time (and desire) to deep clean like that! :)

Anonymous said...

Woooooooow, that is amazing. Thank you for sharing such inspiring stories, they make my soul sing "Alleluia!"

Julie said...

I had Rob pick one up after we talked about it at Bunco but haven't had a chance to use it yet. Can't wait! Wait a second, did I just say I can't wait to clean? I must be sick.

Anonymous said...

Good to know. I'll have to try that when I get back home.