Saturday, June 7, 2008

Portland, here we come!! (Again:)

We just returned last night from another trip to Portland. Most of you know that we(especially Travis) go down there often. Travis has work meetings down there anywhere from 1-5 times a week. It's actually a weird week if he is in the Tacoma office every day. He doesn't mind the 3-hour drive usually because he listens to sermons, catches up with people on the phone, and sings to music. However, it does get old after a few days in a row. If he has to be there consecutive days, it's easier for him to stay the night. So I have a few choices, stay at home alone with the kids, or we all go down there together. Somehow, I go down there a lot:) I feel like I know Portland better than I do Puyallup:) The things we like about Portland:
1.Travis and I get to catch up with each other during the drive
2.We get to sing in the car with Brayden
3.Tax-free shopping
4.I don't have any cleaning to do!
5.Travis and Brayden get to go swimming
6.I don't have any cooking to do
7.It's fun to stay in a hotel
8.The kids are learning to be flexible with their schedules and sleeping wherever we put them (Yes, they both take naps in the double-stroller while I walk the mall)
9. We get a lot of family time
10.We get to hang out with friends and family
11.It's like a mini family vacation!
I do enjoy going usually. It's hard when they kick us out of the hotel at 12pm and Travis' meeting isn't done until 4. That means I have to walk the mall for 4 hours during nap time, which is fun at first, but gets old after awhile. Thank God the kids will sleep in the stroller! Anyways, we try to make the most of each trip depending on Travis' schedule. We've eaten at a lot of new restaurants, gone to the zoo, went ice skating, checked out all the local malls, visited friends and family who live down there, and checked out a lot of the local hotels. We try to cherish this time because who knows how long it will last. Yeah for Portland!
We had dinner with Tim and Kristy Sibley at one of my favorite restaurants, BJ's. This is Brayden, Peyton, and Macy, their daughter who is 3 months old. Peyton looked huge compared to Macy, but I'm sure she'll catch up soon.


Tiffany Nevil said...

what a cute bunch of kiddos! i'm so proud of you for braving's pretty great of you to teach your kiddos that flexibility! you are a great mom! glad you guys had fun!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that you guys get to travel down there with Travis. Sounds like a lot of fun. Are you going to be in San Diego anytime soon?:)

Julie said...

Very cool that you get to go with him! Have you guys checked out Powell's Books yet? So awesome!

If you ever want to come over for a sleepover while he's away let me know. I'll definitely be looking for ways to pass the time soon - I've got a year to burn through and fast!

Kim W. said...

I know all too well about the travel-with-husband-and-kids / stay-in-hotel / push-kids-in-double-stroller-during-nap-time! GOOD TIMES! :) I found myself reading everything you were saying, going "uh-huh...uh-huh...yep...uh-huh." :) Hope yall are doing well. We are coming up that way soon! I would love to see yall...surely we oughta run into eachother at the folks house, right!? :) I'll be in touch with you.

The Benedicts said...

I can't believe how big Peyton is getting! I didn't realize that Travis was going down there so much still. That's really nice of you guys to go with him, I'm sure it makes the trips so much better for him! We miss you all!

Sibs said...

that was a lot of fun. it would be nice to spend more time with you guys. i know Kristy really enjoys spending time with all of you. we'll definintely let you know when we're in Tacoma next time and of course you'll have to let us know when you're down our way again!

Nivekic said...

Remember to check out what local promotions there are on before spending full menu price